Have you ever been to a stationery shop and left without buying what you went in there for? Have you ever had trouble getting service from an attendant so gave up and went to the counter and bought only what you had?
How's this for a fantastic customer service -
"Were you able to find everything you were looking for today?"
That has to be the quintessential every checkout operator at every retail store should be made to ask. Okay it may seem a bit hokey but the lady who asked was genuine! It wasn't your typical add-on and so it really caught my attention.
What are the final words you share with your customers before they finish their transations with you? What do they walk away thinking when they have finished with your services. Think of something catchy and fresh that people will remember and will respond to.
As it tuns out I had been able to find what I wanted the first time. But what if I hadn't?
That is a really great line... hopefully it leads here to more things.