Friday, March 26, 2010

Community Contribution

When you leave work what do you do?  Go home, kick back and relax.  Mellow out and wait for the next working day to come around?

What about contributing to your community?  Volunteer.  Give up some of your time and expertise to help others achieve their goals and dreams.

Here are a few ideas - Toastmasters, local Schools or Kindergartens, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Sports clubs.

If you are reading this and you are in New Zealand here is a great example website -

Personally I enjoy helping out with events and organisations that are relevant to our family.  Examples - my daughters netball team, helping out at Toastmasters, helping the athletics club run their event days.  In the past - helping churches, kindy's and scout groups.

Take the expertise that you apply for-profit during the day and apply if not-for-profit in the evenings and weekends. Who knows - you might even enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea and post Jono! I loved my time at Youthline and met allot of great really decent folk while putting in the volunteer hours. It actually taught me heaps about real world marketing, as we had an array of messages to spread but no money to do it with.

    As I was the marketing guy for the system in the Manawatu/Hawke's Bay back in the day - it taught me allot about networking and even just dealing with media, tips that I still use to this day in my 'for profit' job.

    Love the new header image too - very nice.


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