When you are going to engage the services of a person or a company there are some steps you need to get right - right at the beginning. Here are some examples -
- Have a contract. You need to protect the rights and concerns of both yourself and the other party.
- Read the contract. If you don't understand contract legalese - find someone who can. The more complicated a contract appears the more suspicious of it you should be.
- Explain any items that may come across as being ambiguous or shady.
- Be very aware of the money aspects. Not all contracts involve a financial process or transaction. Be just as aware where services rendered are involved as you are where money is involved.
- Be honest.
- Take note of out clauses and other time options that are available to you.
- Don't sign anything until you have a second opinion.
Contracts can either be your friend or a ball and chain that will keep you from doing what you really want to be doing. Be careful and be aware!
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