I uncovered the following list of motivating strategies that we can use as managers to ensure we stay focused and on target for our goals -
- Push the edge. Look for a skill or weakness that needs work and start working on it. Look for ways that you can encourage others to do better and improve their game.
- Experience success. Enjoy improving - an inch at a time. Remember to enjoy the little successes. When you string a lot of little successes together - then you will have some big wins.
- Change your thinking. Learn from your mistakes. Analyse, review and assimilate. Remember what you've done well and focus on your wins.
- Get involved. Be a part of decision making opportunities and involve others. Take ownership of the goals and mission that you and your team are involved in.
- Praise others. Look for the excellence in others and tell them.
- Vary training. Make your professional development a mixture of technical skills as well as fun. Focus on compliance and regulation requirements as much as you do for your management and people skills.
- Put yourself first. Look after your body and yourself. If you need a day off to relax your mental state, then take one.
- Find motivated peers. Let others who are better or different from you challenge you and provide you with energy. Create a support network of people that you can rely on to help you get better. Hang out with people who will talk you up and will inspire you onto greater things.
- Think positively. Be aware of the conversations that take place in your mind. Are those conversations positive or destructive? Practice focusing on the positive aspects of life. Don't ignore the negative but work on them and make them your areas of strength.
- Remember you dream. "Spend time frequently reconnecting with the real reason why you perform".
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