Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Global Business - The Mindset

Okay so as you can guess following on from my trip abroad I have a certain POV to do with global business.  The powerpoint slideshow I have embedded below goes a long way towards explaining the importance of having a mindset that is bigger than just your local economy.

I have often wondered in the past where people who excel at their work get their drive and ambition from.  I now think a large part of that is attributable to -
  • their interaction with the world at large,
  • being exposed to ides bigger than themselves,
  • seeing the potential and infinite possibilities that working collaboratively across borders can bring.
Before I took the trip overseas I was quite comfortable and found my job to be very pleasent.  Now I feel invigorated and excited about the possibilities.  I now have a new goal to add to my life book and I shall set out to start achieving that goal tomorrow.

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