Sunday, January 31, 2010


When it comes to the crunch - stay loyal to your employees and co-workers in the public arena.

Your employees deserve the first right of loyalty and the first right to have their side of the story heard.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Toastmasters - Growing In Confidence

For quite a few people public speaking is a nightmare and something they try to avoid as much as possible.

For other people (like myself) public speaking provides a real thrill and is exciting.

Which category do you fall into?

Either way - if you are scared by public speaking or exhilarated by it - Toastmasters is a great group to join. You can overcome your fears in a small setting or you can develop your skills and grow your confidence levels to new heights.

If you are new to public speaking or are old hat try these hints -
  • Plan, plan, plan. Think about what you are going to so. Give your speech structure and flow. Throw in a few jokes along the way as well.

  • Practise, practise, practise. Practise both in your head and in the mirror. Practise in front of your kids or your pets. Doing this will enable you to memorise what you are going to say so you will have far better recall when standing in front of the people you will be addressing.

  • Reflect, reflect, reflect. After all is said and done consider how it went. What went well? What didn't go well? What could you have done better?

    By following these simple tips you too can become a great orator!

    "A good orator is pointed and impassioned." Marcus T. Cicero

  • Wednesday, January 27, 2010


    "The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve it's goals".

    Rensis Likert.

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    Leadership Lessons - Nelson Mandela

    Here are is a list of 8 leadership points from Nelson Mandela that were originally published in Time magazine -

    1. Courage is not the absence of fear - it's inspiring others to move beyond it. Even if you are afraid, pretend not to be and therefore inspire others.

    2. Lead from the front but don't leave your base behind. Take the long view on issues.

    3. Lead from the back - and let others think they are in front. Let others speak their minds first, listen then summarise - then speak your mind. Take a considered approach to situations.

    4. Know your enemy - and learn about his favorite sport. Speak your opponents language.

    5. Keep your friends close - and your rivals even closer. Always be aware of what your rivals are up to. Use your rivals to your benefit and betterment. Choose to trust people.

    6. Appearances matter - and remember to smile. The way you dress tells a story and you choose what that story will be. Also engage with people using the symbols and the customary methods to engage with them.

    7. Nothing is black and white. "To look for simple explanations is the human way but it doesn't correspond to reality.

    8. Quitting is leading too. Learn how to walk away from a failed idea. Admitting you are wrong takes courage and humility.

    Check out the original article over at

    Sunday, January 24, 2010

    Leadership Lessons - The Role of the Conductor

    Here are the quick lessons from the video below -
    1. Have fun.
    2. Let the stories of the individuals, groups and community flow together to create a symphony.
    3. Give clear instructions but then relinquish control and let the group interpret your motives in their own way.
    4. Let the magic of others emanate from them as you provide overall guidance.
    5. Execution is everything.
    6. Express yourself.
    7. Authority is important and people must respect your authority. There is a time and a place to exert your authority and it is better to deal with a situation in private after the moment - than during the moment.
    8. Authority in partnership with autonomy creates the best music.
    9. Put it all together and let the music play.

      Itay Talgam describes music, harmony and music performance. This is a great video and is one to remember.

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    Dilbert - Classic!

    There are two stories being told in the above -

    1. The way you see yourself is powerful. If you let negativity to cloud your thinking your actions will follow in a negative way as well. Think positively and see yourself in the same way and you can change your life! See 'The Winners Bible' for some great ideas to get you started.
    2. The way you see a task is powerful. You can choose to get better and follow a line of constant improvement or you can stay stuck.

    "I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it ... I know fear is an obstace for some people, but's an illusion to me." Michael Jordan.

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    Take a Break

    An important part of managing is knowing and understanding your energy cycles. Energy cycles are governed by what you eat and the amount of rest you have.

    Here are a few tips to help you through the year -
    1. Keep a diary. Keep a hourly record of your energy levels over a fortnight and map the trends. What time's were you full of energy and ready to go? What time's were you on a low and needed a boost?

    2. Plan your year. When you put together your annual leave plan make sure you take breaks right across the year and most importantly when you will need them. Aim to have a few spare days up your sleeve for those days when you just can't face another day at work.

    3. Eat right. Your energy levels will rise and fall based on your diet and fitness levels. If you eat right then your food should provide a constant amount of fuel throughout the day to enable to be balanced.

    4. Take breaks. You might feel like you are accomplishing more by skipping your coffee break but you may actually be achieving less. Take your regulated breaks when you can. If you are busy - reschedule your break for a better time - but don't skip it! Your body and brain's need to take a break. Then when you come back to the task you wil feel more fresh and you will be able to apply yourself better to it.

    Taking time off and not being in the office is just as if not more important as being there!

    Wednesday, January 13, 2010

    The Missed Position

    So you applied for a position within your company - one that you really wanted or coveted - and didn't get it. What do you do?

    Well you can either - get bitter or get better!

    Here's what I did for the person who got the job over me -

    1. Congratulations. I offered them congratulations and wished them well.

    2. Support. I offered and gave as much support as I could to enable them to be the best at what they have to do.

    3. Integrity. I speak highly of the person when I am talking to others in the staff room or on other occasions.

    Remember - you reap what you sow! Here are some questions I use to self relect -

    1. Role size. Was the job the right shape/size for my abilities? If I didn't get the job because of a lack of skill - then get started and work towards fixing those areas of lack.

    2. Philosophy. Did the job role and company philosophy suit me and vise versa? If not then great - I don't have to deal with those issues in the future.

    3. Interview. What questions did they ask? How do I feel I answered them? Could I have handled the interview any differently?

    So you didn't get the job. Don't get even - get better!


    "I think it is the duty of the coach to encourage resource and initiative in each one of us. We do not want to become identical human beings, the servants of totalitarianism. We seek individual freedom in a world that of necessity imposes more and more restrictions. The less we can find freedom in our work the more we shall need to find freedom in the games we play".

    Sir Roger Bannister, from 'The First Four Minutes'.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Breakthrough in 2010

    Here are four keys to breakthrough that Zig Ziglar has posted on his weekly newsletter -

    Insight #1: Integrity makes your mission possible.

    Insight #2: Wisdom chooses the right doors at the right time and helps you come up with the right plan.

    Insight #3: Strength and discipline give you the fuel to reach your goal.

    Insight #4: Hope keeps your boat afloat.

    Lets add some application to those keys. Here are my thoughts -

    1. Integrity. Choosing to do what is right even when it seems certain doing what isn't right would be so much easier. Trust is everything.

    2. Wisdom. Listen to the small voice that speaks to you in your mind. It is called your conscience and it is valuable. Ignore it at your own risk.

    3.Discipline. You need to set a goal, focus on it, remind yourself what it is and then work out the small steps you need to take to fulfill it. Then ACT!

    4. Hope. Don't let setbacks or disappointments keep you from being happy or acheiving your goals, Rather use setbacks, criticism and negative feedback as markers and signs of areas in your life that still require work.

    Make 2010 work for you!

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    Beware - Too Much Knowledge

    Having a star performer employee is great. Having two or more is fantastic!

    What you need to watch out for though is sometime's the knowledge of the business can be held by only one or two people.

    So what happen's when those people go or holiday? Does the business come to a standstill?

    Be careful not to let too much knowledge be stored up in particular invdividuals. rather work as much as you can to ensure the knowledge is spread around.

    Just in case.

    The Victim

    Does your job happen to you?

    If you're a willing cog in the vast machinery of work, it's entirely possible that the things that occur all day feel like they're being done to you.

    The alternative is to create a job where you create forward motion, where you do things to the job, not the other way round.

    Take a look at the language you use to describe what happened at work yesterday, that's your first clue. If you're not the one creating the change, perhaps it's time to start.

    (Words of wisdom from Seth Godin).

    Thursday, January 7, 2010

    The True Meaning of Success!

    Check out this video from John Wooden.

    With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. In this inspiring talk he shares the advice he gave his players at UCLA, quotes poetry and remembers his father's wisdom.

    Excellence is Everything


    One of the best ways to lift your attitude and working style is to start thinking about others. Not just others in the office but others internationally.

    One way you can do this is through investing into a micro-bank style system. One that use is called Kiva.

    Kiva works by loaning funds to persons on predominantly third world countries funds to either start or grow their business. Then as that person does well they are required to repay the funds which you receive back (usually $ for $).

    By doing this it enables you to become focused on someone else's business venture and makes you reconsider what you are doing and why.

    Another great thing about Kiva is you generally are called on to loan $25 US at a time. So this method of giving will not hurt your bank balance too badly.
    Philanthropy is a fantastic way of being able to keep life in perspective.

    Tuesday, January 5, 2010

    Think Yourself Happy

    What you think and what you think about yourself are the two most vital keys in determining your success.

    My 2010 resolution moves along the lines of positivity and the building of self confidence.

    How am I doing it?
    1. Daily affirmations. One I am using at the moment is the affirmation card from Zig Ziglar.

    2. Reading positive books.

    3. Listening to positive and confidence building podcasts. Check out the "My Thought Coach" podcast on iTunes. It has some fantastic thoughts lessons for everyone to learn.

    4. Not being so sensitive to the words of others. I am working through learning how to figure out which criticism's are valid, which aren't and then dealing with them correctly.

    5. Self reflection. Not so much a diary but rather a critical reflection tool for reviewing events throughout the day - those that went well against those that didn't. Then creating a plan for moving forward the next day or finding a way to strengthen any areas that need it.

    6. Talking positively. Being careful about what I say and trying to avoid words or statements that are negative, slanderous or just a waste of time saying.

    It is going to be a good year - this year!

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    2010 - Whats Going To Happen?

    Hi, I rust you had an excellent Christmas and New Years.

    Now we ask the question what will happen over the course of 2010?

    Nobody can honestly answer that question. There is no way of really knowing what will happen or when. There are no factors that allow us to really control the events of tomorrow.

    However what we can do is manage our responses to those events and our methods of working through them.

    Now is the time to start thinking and strategising about what you will do with the rest of the year. Making a New Years resolution is a good idea but now we need to start following through on those decisions.

    Start planning now.
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