Sunday, December 20, 2009

Managing Generation Y

One of the single biggest issues you will have to confront when dealing with Gen Y'ers is developing trust.

Here are some helpful hints for managing your Gen Y workers -

  1. Set boundaries. Many Gen Y persons have had very little rules to conform to, therefore they are more likely to go ahead with a project without fully thinking out the implications.

  2. Be flexible. Gen Y want to be able to dictate what they do with their time and when. The classic working day means far less now than it used to.

  3. Creativity. Give your Gen Y people ongoing projects and assignments to work to keep them engaged with the companys mission.

  4. Develop Credibility. Gen Y want to know you trust them and that they can trust you in return. Don't assume respect - earn it, test it and develop it. If you lose your credibility - you will have to work extra hard to regain it.

  5. Cmmunicate. Gen Y are totally savvy with new technoogies and using them as a means to speak to each other. Tr using social media and electronic message boards as your primary method of communication.

There is also a great article here by Km Huggins (K HR Solutions).

Alternatively, you can watch this video on You Tube in which Sylvia Ann Hewlett is interviewed for Harvard video and discusses Generation Y.

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